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Fall Lake Fishing Report for Sept. 21st

Nick Ott

Ely Fishing, BWCA fishing,

Fishing across the Ely area has been a tough sport as of lately. Packsack walleye fisherman have returned after a hard day of fishing scratching their heads, and holding up one or two small fish. The fisherman that are having success are finding walleyes at about 25 feet, and are using minnows on a yellow jig.

On the plus side Northern pike have been feverishly attacking anything from Mepps spinners to large Rapalas, large spoons, and large dead or alive suckerfish. Our beloved Ella Hall has been a fantastic fishery for 40 plus inch northern. It takes some work to get there but well worth it!

Bass and crappie are beginning to school up in larger groups, finding them is the tricky part. For crappie try using a slip bobber set up with a crappie minnow. Fishing around Fall Lakes pilings can be a great place during the fall!

With the leaves turning more and more colorful in the Ely area our season here at Packsack is coming to an end. We have seen so many excited happy faces come through these doors, ready to hit the water. Either by boat or canoe, fishing is on the brain. This being my first year here at Packsack I had a lot to learn. I have decided to share the top 10 lessons I have learned here at Packsack:

1: The early bird catches the fish! Packsack guests that have been up at the “butt crack of dawn” seemed to catch fish easier during the earlier hours.

2: Women catch more fish! Highly debated statement, but many of our lady-fisherman seemed to have great success when others did not.

3. It takes more than one day to learn a lake. Many of our first-time guests seemed to struggle at first. After listening to suggestions, and just being out there with their line in the water, those guests were able to get the hang of it and start catching fish. It seems the more you fish Fall Lake, the easier it gets to find fish.

4: Newton Lake is underrated. It’s true, so many anglers pass over Newton Lake without casting a line. Newton is capable of producing trophy walleye, bass and pike. Next season give it a chance!

5: Fish don’t bite on blue bird days. It’s true, when we are having bright sunny days with no wind, the fishing stinks. Packsack anglers were still able to catch fish, but on windy rainy days the fish seemed to bite better.

6: Catching crappie and bluegill are everyone’s favorite! Whether it’s to catch or eat, folks always wanted to know “where are the crappie, and sunnies are biting?!”

7: Preparation = Success! Packsack anglers that took the time to do a bit of research by making some phone calls to local bait shops and guides, and read up on the area before coming, caught fish. Some of those were big fish too!

8: There is no secret bait, lure or spot. Every bait, and lure presentation worked and failed this summer. Every magical spot did, and did not produce fish. Fisherman who were willing to switch presentations up as the conditions changed and not just fish those memorable spots, caught fish.

9: Smaller Ely area lakes produce just as much, and as large of fish as Basswood Lake. Packsacks largest reported bass and walleye came from smaller lakes just outside of the BWCA. I have been sworn to secrecy not to share the lake names, but if you come visit me, I might let it slip ;)

10: There are no bad days of fishing. It does not matter if the fish are biting or not, a successful fishing trip is one where you enjoy your time away from regular life, in this pristine environment, with some great friends and loved ones.

With this being the last Fall Lake Fishing Report of 2017, I would like to thank those that shared their fishing successes and failures with me, if it was not for you I would have had nothing to write about. I would also like to thank all of you for reading, liking, and sharing. I received so much positive feedback about the fishing report, that it truly humbles me to know that you are reading.

Until next season, keep a look out for more of my blogs, “Our News” and “Stories and Tips” at

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