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Fall Lake Fishing Report for August 24th

Nick Ott

Fall Lake fishing, Ely Fishing, BWCA Fishing

Bass action across the BWCA has been the big story as of late. Paddlers, and boat fisherman have had large bass crashing through the water surface after their top water lures. Many Fall Lake anglers have had luck catching them at the top of Newton Falls with night crawlers on a slip bobber set up.

Walleye action has still been hot in Jackfish and Pipestone. Packsack anglers fishing these waters have had no problem enjoying shore lunch, and taking some golden fillets home as well. The best set up for walleyes, has still been night crawlers on a spinning rig. If your planning on using leaches, rumor has it that the Ely area is in short supply. To be sure you’re not stuck without, either call Babe’s Bait shop ahead of time, or grab some on your way up.

Pan fishing on Fall Lake, and Back Bay this last week were, “as many as you can catch, all day long”. If your fishing with a child who gets bored easy, give blue gills & sunfish a try, they will be hooked for life!

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