Despite the windy days, schizophrenic like weather, and a May Fly hatch, Fall Lake has continued to produce plenty of fish for those willing to put in the time. While walleye action is not as hot as it was a few weeks ago, Packsack anglers have certainly been able to find them. Rumor has it, they have not yet moved to the summer hiding holes, some folks are finding them in shallower water. Best set up this past week has been a spinner with a leach.
Northern pike are still hungry, and seem to be biting on just about everything that has a hook! Several Packsack guests have had success throwing spinners and spoons along shorelines, or using sucker minnows around areas of high current.
Smallmouth bass have finished spawning, and are hungry! We have had reports of several bass around the 20” range being caught on everything from leaches and crawlers to crankbaits and top water lures. If you’re fishing Fall Lake this next week, I would recommend fishing the top of Newton Falls with leaches and a slip bobber set up. You might just catch that trophy smallie.
My tip for the week, is get out there early, and get creative! If the fish are not responding to your regular routine, switch things up. Try a different color, lure, time of day, and last but not least, a different fishing spot. Best of luck out there, and be safe in that darn wind!